Thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), more than 90 percent of Californians now have access to health care, including 97 percent of children.
The ACA expanded Medi-Cal; now over 1 in 3 Californians have access to health care through Medi-Cal.
Pre-existing conditions like asthma, diabetes, and cancer are covered.
Youth under the age of 26 can stay on their parent’s health care plans.
Nearly 16 million Californians benefit from free preventative services like cancer screening, saving health care dollars and lives.
Cuts to Medi-Cal could leave millions of Californians at risk of losing their health care.
URBANISTS has actively promoted health equity for multilingual, multi-generational audiences throughout Tulare and Kings County rural communities. With the help of students in Lindsay, Hanford, and Avenal, we have designed public engaging events and various urban marketing techniques to spread the word about #health4all.
UPDATE: DO TO COVID-19 our public event efforts have been revised in the communities of Avenal and Hanford.